Rod Hoskins Ministries currently helps sponsor more than 450 students attending Bible school in India. Our vision is to have Bible schools in churches throughout India and surrounding countries. Great revival is taking place in this region of the world and if we, the body of Christ, do not have the ministers trained and in place, there will not be enough shepherds to teach and pastor these masses of people. Many will become discouraged because of persecution and revert back to the false religions and former bondages and we will have failed our Lord's commission. Jesus said in Matt.28:19 that we are to "Make disciples of all nations."
For less that .50 cents a day you can help train new Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists, Prophets and Apostles. The opportunity is open for a great harvest and you can be part of this miracle of God. Please pray and seek God if you are to be part of this Great Harvest.
Rod Hoskins Ministries in partnership with Harvest Mission for Christ in India has established the first HIV treatment center in Nagpur, India. Hundreds of HIV patients have received treatment in just the first year of operation. Our partners have made it possiable to not only treat the physical needs, but also the spiritual needs. It is estimate that there are 25,000 cases in this great city of 4 million alone.
Project Restart (HIV Treatment Program) first year celebration (2015), at Mure Memorial Hospital, Nagpur, India.